Theses of the Old Vilnius University
Sixty-two theses and other scientific papers of different volume, that were written at the Jesuit Vilnius University (1579–1773) and intended for a public dispute or for gaining scientific degree, comprise the collection. The collection consists solely of the works that were printed by Vilnius University Printing House and defended at Vilnius University. The earliest work of the collection is a theological treatise by Emmanuel de Vega, a professor of theology, printed in 1585, for writing of which he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Theology. The latest work of the collection is theses on philosophy written by unknown Jesuit students and printed in 1773 – in the same year, when the Jesuit Order was suppressed by the brief of Pope Clement XIV.
Works written and defended by students of the faculties of philosophy (in total 38) and theology (in total 17) prevail in the collection. Theses of the Faculty of Law (7) constitute the smallest part of the collection. Alumni of the Faculty of Theology wrote and defended their theses in various areas of theology, while students of philosophy defended their theses on logic, physics, metaphysics, astronomy, mathematics, optics and other subjects.
Dedications to patrons are often a part of Vilnius University’s theses. Students used to write in Latin acknowledgement for support to rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, aristocracy and state officials. Some works are decorated with illustrations, diagrams and portraits.
The digital collections is a part of the research project “The Research of the Old Vilnius University’s (1579–1773) Dissertations and the Creation of the Database”. The project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), under the programme Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Programme's (2016-2024).