
This icono­graphic col­lec­tion of Vil­nius Uni­ver­sity Li­brary con­sists of var­i­ous am­a­teur and pro­fes­sional pho­tog­ra­phers’ works, pho­to­graph sets and in­di­vid­ual pieces that cap­ture na­ture, ar­chi­tec­tural mon­u­ments, por­traits, char­ac­ter por­tray­als of var­i­ous na­tions and eth­nic groups, and ar­chae­o­log­i­cal find­ings.

The col­lec­tion con­tains works by fa­mous Lithuan­ian pho­tog­ra­phers Józef Czechow­icz, Stanisław Fil­ib­ert Fleury, broth­ers Mironas and Leonas Butkovskis, first Lithuan­ian woman pho­tog­ra­pher Paulina Mon­gir­daitė, Jan Bułhak, Boleslova and Ed­mundas Zdanovskis and oth­ers, as well as a rich set of pho­tographs taken dur­ing the ethno­graphic ex­pe­di­tions or­ga­nized by Vil­nius Uni­ver­sity be­tween 1950 and 1981 and a pho­to­graphic re­port by Be­laru­sian ethno­g­ra­pher and ar­chae­ol­o­gist Isaak Ser­bov from his ex­pe­di­tions in Pole­sia (1910–1913), con­sist­ing of 442 pho­tos taken in var­i­ous oblasts of then-Minsk gov­er­norate, with an­no­ta­tions by the au­thor him­self.