Libraries all over Europe face the difficulty of managing tremendous amounts of 20th and 21st century textual materials which have not yet been digitised because of the complex copyright situation. These works cannot be accessed by the general public and are slumbering deep in library stacks, as they are often out-of-print or have never even been in-print at all and reprints or facsimiles are out of sight. During an international project EODOPEN (eBooks-On-Demand-Network Opening Publications for European Netizens), 15 libraries from 11 European countries focuses on bringing these digitally-hidden works to the public forefront by digitising and making them available on a pan-European level whilst fully respecting current copyright regimes. The four-year project aims at digitising and opening up 15 thousand documents and literary works from the 20th and 21st century for European netizens. Until the year 2023, Vilnius University Library, as a partner of the project, is going to select, digitise and open to the public 1 thousand documents on demand from the 20th and 21st century that will become available in this collection. The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.